Soft home diary

“Soft home diary” è il mio racconto in forma di diario di come le persone usano la strada per farla diventare casa, utilizzando semplici oggetti, organizzando il proprio spazio, decorandone alcune parti con cura e attenzione.

Soft home diary lo potete seguire su Instagram e su Facebook
Fotografie di:  ©Federica Verona

“Soft home diary” is a diary about how people use the road to make their own home, using simple objects, organizing their own space, decorating parts with care and attention.

You can follow Soft home diary in Instagram & Facebook

Project by:  ©Federica Verona

Milano, Piazza Fontana 2016
Temporary bench home

Milano, 2016
The cities are who’s live there

Milano, 2016
The public space, sometimes, becomes a night house for a community

Milano, 2016
She lives in a pink umbrella

Milano, Central Station, 2016
People that, during the day, leave their sleeping bags in black bags

Milano, 2014
Umbrella home

Milano, 2014
Inhabited vanMilano, 2014
Temporary bench

Milano, 2017
Cover during the day, bed in the night

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